Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Court news

Tonight listen to this radio piece and watch this video about United States v. Jones, a case the Supremes just heard, and write five questions or comments on the Supreme Court Chat page. Riley, would you post a copy of the Fourth Amendment there, too, please?

See you later tonight at Open House.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

John Adams

To get a flavor of the times Adams lived, we watched a couple segments of HBO's John Adams, based on David McCullough's book of the same name.

Next comes the Constitution, Bill of Rights and some usable civics, or as my old history teacher used to call it: Problems of Democracy.

Leta has her handy Constitution.

For Wednesday, everyone should do some news scanning and find three current issues or events that bump up against the Constitution. One place to look is today's online news. I got this story by Googling "constitution" and selecting for "News." Be careful. You want news, not opinion, from reputable sources.

Monday, November 21, 2011

For fun homework...

watch Sarah Vowell, author of "Wordy Shipmates," on the Daily Show w/ Jon Stewart.

Be prepared to discuss the differences between a holiday like Thanksgiving and one like Evacuation Day.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Revolutionary War Hero Maine Place Names

Washington, town and county; Knox County; Hancock; Franklin; York.
Any more?

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Craig's Timeline

Riley's Timeline

Leta's Timline

Years to American Revolution

  • Christopher Columbus lands in the Bahamas
  • First permanent colony is established: Jamestown, VA
  • Puritans traveled to New England- Mass Bay Colony
  • Anne Hutch. exiled from Mass and starts new town in RI
  • Navigation Acts are pass in attempt to control colonies

  • Massachusetts begins printing paper money

  • Albany Congress plans to unite 13 colonies

  • First gun shot of the American Revolution in Lexington

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Monday, November 14, 2011

End of Trimester Crush

For tomorrow: read chapter 4, pp. 76-100, in your text. Answer questions 1, 3, 4 on page 84; 1, 2, 6 on page 90; 2, 3, 6 on page 100.

For Wednesday: using the digital history timeline tool and the time line maker, create a timeline of nine events you think especially pivotal to the US between 1491 and 1776.

You all should have received an email prompting you to participate in the Trimester Review mash-up GoogleDoc. The rubric for this document is participation. The more usable information you post, the higher your grade, pure and simple. The deadline is this Friday at noon.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Colonial Pamphleteers

Students are studying commodities of the 18th century and economics of colonial life. They will compose a pamphlet regarding some aspect of their resource by Wednesday. Students may want to get an early start as I will be unavailable Monday and Tuesday. I'll keep checking my e-mail over the weekend for any questions.

Franklin is an excellent model for the tone of a pamphlet. His discourse on the wisdom of paper currency may have some connections to students' research, also.

Here are the first political cartoons ever published in the U.S., by Franklin, of course.